Phew. I need a break... a long one. Thank goodness Christmas break is coming up. Who else is thrilled that Christmas and New Year's are both on the weekend again this year? Perfect excuse to take a week off of work! Anywhoselbees, this weekend was jam-packed.
Slocum House Studio Gallery |
Friday was spent working late getting ready for Dogwood Arts' Bazillion Blooms program. We had dinner at our favorite local spot, Fountain City Creamery, for some dinner with our BFF's, Ashley & Donald. Donald may, or may not, have ordered every dessert on the menu.
Nearly 2,000 dogwood trees were planted in East Tennessee and Saturday morning at UT Gardens was the pick-up point. After an early Saturday morning hanging out with tree huggers and planters, we headed over to Kathy's studio, the Slocum House Studio Gallery, for an insanely awesome showing. Helloooo, Christmas shopping! If only I had a money tree...
Thanks to Doug & Kathy babysitting for a few hours, Saturday night was spent with some friends celebrating birthdays, laughing our heads off, stuffing our face with amazing beef, and learning about our new-found love for owling [basically sitting down in a public place just like an owl ("hoo" face included) for no good reason = totally awesome and the new planking]. So much fun!
Sunday was dogwood day! We planted 19 dogwood trees; 17 at mom and dad's property and two on our property. I couldn't stop thinking about what these trees would look like in ten years at my parents place, so I, of course, documented the afternoon so Teigan could really appreciate it later in life.
As much as I'd love to say I was worn out, poor Ben was the one doing the shoveling. Thank God for Crossfit, right?
So the rest of the afternoon was consumed cleaning, baking cookies, and hurriedly heading to Lauren & Tony's place to love on their new little one, Robert, some more. We got some lovin' in at the hospital, but that's never enough. Let me tell you what, this little Thanksgiving Day baby is absolutely darling. Teigan definitely liked him... petting and all. Looks like Ashley & Donald's soon-to-be Tucker has some competition when it comes to my arranged marriage I'm setting up for T. ;c)
Speaking of Crossfit, I went for the first time in three weeks today [don't judge] and I'm already feeling it. Looks like I'll have jello for arms tomorrow. Thanks, Cindy.
Peace, Love, and Getting back into the Crossfit groove... finally-
E$ Mama