So, I honestly had no idea how many people stalk this blog. I mean, people have been crawling out from the woodworks these past couple of months to tell me how much they enjoy it and, I have to say, I love hearing that. People I seriously didn't even think knew my last name have made this part of their daily ritual. So, I have to say a sincere thank you for reading. I'm aware you most likely, don't "follow" this, and you certainly have never left a comment, but I love that you're reading.
What started out as a selfish act of replacing the dozens of emails I would inevitably feel responsible for passing around to various family members throughout Teigan's first few months, has suddenly turned into some strange therapy for me. I get to write about whatever the hell I want, I have fun, I'm not getting graded - and you enjoy. Does it get any better than that? Nope.
One of these stalkers I referred to informed me this week that I am a writer and I need to write. Simply put, but it had a major effect on me. I have never, ever considered myself a "writer" even though I have worked for corporations and non-profits, alike, doing just that for years. I think I struggle with the difference between marketing/PR/communication and writing-from-my-heart-and-for-myself. The latter is something I'm going to completely dive in to. I just decided that this week and I started this morning in my beautiful, perfect, new little journal.
I've never been one to keep a diary, and I don't intend this journal to be that, because then what would I write about on here? I have to keep you coming back for more, obvi, so I'll leave the witty comments, hilarious stories, and writing-like-I-talk-style here - just for you, my dear stalkers. This journal will serve some other purpose. I think I've convinced myself that I'm going to write just enough nonsense and ridiculousness in this journal that I'll somehow become the next J.K. Rowling or Jack Kerouac. Probably not, but you just never know what the future holds. I suppose I can't sit around relying on my soon-to-be-new-found-author-fortune-and-fame, but it's fun to toy with the idea in the process.
And now, what you're all really here for... pictures of my better looking other-third's...
Eagerly awaiting nicer weather and the ability to take a day off, grab a blanket and a bottle of wine, and scout-out a large movie screen to lay around and watch something totally awesome [i.e. The Notebook] in the middle of the grass on a beautiful, sunny day... after I write in my journal, duh.