Fence & Tree

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lions, and Tigers, and... Bees?

Bless his heart...
Another great weekend, although it's hard to believe that it was Teigan's second weekend meaning that she is coming up on three weeks old... already?

Everyone [especially you, Mom] told me to appreciate every moment because they go by so fast as you get older.  It seriously feels like just yesterday that she was born.  Before we know it, she'll be playing soccer, picking out clothes for the first day of middle school, and Ben will be having the birds 'n the bees talk with her...

Speaking of bees, Ben got a little kiss from one of his dad's honey bees this weekend.  Ben's remedy of topical cream, allergy medicine, antihistamine's, and jumbo paleo margaritas didn't seem to do the trick as he woke up this morning with it swollen shut.  Poor guy had to wear his sunglasses indoors when we ran errands this afternoon.  He was totally that guy.

Laying out, baby style

Great Grandpa Dick lovin' on his first great grand-daughter
Teigan got to spend some more hang time with Great Grandpa Dick before he headed back home to Chicago.  I tell ya, I'm pretty sure that between Dick and me, our little lady is going to end up with red hair.  Call me crazy, White family members, but we beat the gene pool for the first time... ever?  I suppose there is still time for her to become a toehead; we'll see.  But someone owe's me $40.



  1. Ben looks like he's doing his impression of Jack Sparrow....arrgh, it' a pirate's life for me. Love, Dad

  2. Grandpa Dick, what hair?. Signed, Take a guess

  3. Muaha, I just saw this last comment... GG Dick does have hair! And, for the record, it was one heck of a beautiful red and now is an even better white. GG Dick, was that you? ;c)
