Fence & Tree

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I tell ya, Ben and I are so blessed.  Not only do we have an absolutely beautiful daughter, the cutest four-legged daughters we could ask for, and a lovely home [that may or may not drive us bonkers most of the time with the non-stop projects], but our family and friends are just the best. 

Everyone has gone and above and beyond to welcome our daughter into this crazy world with their thoughts, prayers, calls, and... gifts.  While we absolutely love every single thing that has come our way [yes, even your gifts, Uncle Z-man], we recently received something from one of our other sets of parents, Utah-residing Steve and Sue M., that I had to show off.  

Is that not the cutest thing, ever?!  I can't say that I'm the girliest person on the planet, but this makes me want to jump around in ruffles - and order one for myself.  

Don't worry, Ben, while Teigan will probably wear this on an every-other-day basis, we'll still get her that infant tool set you've been eyeing... ;c)


  1. Thank you Steve and Sue!! Every little girl needs a tutu for one reason or another. Just precious...

  2. I love it! Where can I get one? And I'm talking about for me...

