I swear, being back at work and not wasting my day away while being subjected to terrible daytime TV has really put a damper on my blog posting. But, have no fear, I'm making a vested interest to get back to at least every-other-other-day.... mainly because I know you're in absolute tears if I post less frequently. Yeah, right!
Anyways, Teigan's been so engaged and strong from the get-go, but it's so fun seeing her grow up and learn more about the world. T loves being outside listening to the sounds and looking at everything. She still isn't all about toys or distractions, nor does she have a particular item that she must have. But, all those fun little goodies that we've received from friends and family are starting to become part of her daily routine [aka - Fussy baby? Play in the jungle! Sit in your pod! Let's go on a jog!].
Well, Teigan has had quite a few firsts this past week. Here's a picture diary...
Sitting upright on her own playing in her pod |
Hanging out on her adorable bear |
Playing in the jungle |
Playing with her feet and toes... her new obsession, well, next to trying to shove her fist down her throat... |
Watching Harry and the Henderson's with Daddy. Can't you tell how much she loved it? |
I'm no biologist but I'm pretty sure the "bear" is a monkey...none the less it is adorable.