Things that suck...
- Dropping a full bottle of liquid gold [man translation: breast milk] post-pumping and watching it go absolutely freaking everywhere
- Feeling totally overwhelmed
- Eating an entire bag of popcorn all by yourself
- Being the only house in the neighborhood with no power
- A flooded basement
- The dogs peeing on the indoor rugs because it's piss-pouring outside
- A diaper explosion... in public... on the one day you don't have a change of clothes for the babe... or you
- A screaming baby in the office
- Staying up way past my bedtime
- Not getting to spend every waking moment with Ben, Teigan, and our four-legged ladies
Things that are awesome...
- The fact that Teigan is still getting exclusively liquid gold
- Being provided the opportunity to be able to juggle being a wife, mommy, daughter, sister, employee, and friend
- 100 calorie bags of popcorn
- KUB calling out a crew and having power back on within an hour of Ben calling
- It's finally raining!
- Yankee candles
- Teigan doesn't have any gas or intestinal issues... and the invention of the scarf
- The flexibility that my employer allows me to have with bringing a screaming baby into the office
- Words with Friends, People, and US Magazine
- Having the best little family a girl could ever ask for who all love me just for who I am
I want to EAT. HER. UP. Seriously. Ah, so in love... |
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