Fence & Tree

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Swimming 101

My dear, sweet, amazing friend, Lauren, convinced me that I needed to sign Teigan up for swim classes.  Well, duh, since we spend nearly every weekend at the lake.  

But, shall we say that it was an... interesting experience?  The teacher was a 60-ish thinks-he-knows-everything-has-been who decided that his favorite pupil ['s mom to pick on] was Teigan [and me]!  I'm not sure where to start, but basically the expert teacher decided that "our children were going to kill us in ten years if we let them have control now", we weren't allowed to be friendly to the other mom and dad's in the class as we could "call them afterwards if we were there to make friends", and that if I am "more than five minutes early but more than 5 seconds late, I was in trouble."  Oh, and he called me out for being "fat" to a class of 12+ parents and their kids [ages 4 months to five years].  Bless it.  I promise I don't hold any of this against you, Lauren.  Mr. Creepy/Crazy-Face did, in fact, do a good job teaching - sorta.  But, for the record, I hate his guts.

Low and behold, Teigan did amazing.  Not only did she learn to go under for about seven seconds, but she kicked [on occasion], jumped off the side [with assistance], floated on her back [with some resistance], and looked beyond adorable in her assortment of bathing suits.
Mama's skeptical... but T is thrilled with life right now

Ben and Uncle Matty came to check out the final class [hence the reason for the pictures] but lesbihonest, it was mostly to punch Mr. Creepy/Crazy-Face in the... face if he got out of line with me [his favorite].  [Un]Fortunately, he was extraordinarily nice and welcoming to everyone, especially me and my super manly-men-visitors.  
Tired, naked girl post swimming class
Teigan isn't going to audition for Baywatch: New Millennium Edition anytime soon, but we're super happy with the results.

"I’ll be readyyy [I’ll be ready], Never youuu fear [no don’t you fear], I’ll be ready, Forever and always, I’m always here....!"
David Hassellhoff's biggest fan?

1 comment:

  1. T cracks me up with her facial expressions! Too cute!
