Fence & Tree

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Forging an Elite Fetus: 7th month

Blog I wrote for www.crossfitktown.com on April 14, 2011...

Ah, the sweet challenge of a new human being entering your CrossFit lifestyle.  As everyone knows, I’m pregnant and due to have a sweet little miss on or around May 15 [yes, that is about a month away!].  Many of you have asked questions, guys and girls alike, about how exactly this whole CrossFit thing works while you’re pregnant.  Well, I’m here to hopefully shed some light on being a preggo CrossFitter.  Remember to keep in mind, this is my experience only and every woman has a different experience during their pregnancy.
Weeks 28-31 make up the seventh month of pregnancy.  So many physical changes are going on during the third trimester, it feels like it’s hard to keep up!  This month, though, was merely a dress rehearsal for month 8 which has thrown me some crazy curve-balls.
As far as working out went, month 7 proved to me just how tough pull-ups can be.  Phew… they really seemed to wear me out as I was only able to do about four at a time – and that was on a good day.  I tell you what, though, if I don’t come back post-little-miss doing, at the very least, a strict pull-up, I’ll be shocked.  :c)
During this month, I had to stop doing cleans and snatches due to the insanely bad form that was developing due to the baby belly.  So, at this point, my o-lift frequency was decreasing considerably.  But, I still had front squats, back squats, press, push press, and deadlifts [sumo-style] to keep me busy.
And, the hardest part, hands down, was oxygen flow!  I mentioned it in the 6 month blog, but being out of breath got even worse in the 7th month.  My mid-metcon breaks were now happening more and more frequently and were completely necessary.  They were necessary not only because I needed the air, but so did the babe.  When I’m holding my breath [which happens frequently when you work out, whether you realize it or not] I’m not allowing oxygen to the little miss.  So, when I thought of that, it was far easier to make myself take a short rest.
Although it seems a lot of things were becoming “can’t do’s” at the gym, it wasn’t all like that.  I’m here to tell you I set a new PR in my 7th month of pregnancy!  Shocking, right?  Of all of the things that have suffered at the gym, the one thing that I’ve maintained without any problems [other than a potty break immediately following] are double-under’s!  I set a new PR of 48!  I tell you, that felt great.  And, I’m still right on track with my doctor’s weight gain.  Whoohoo!
Well, as I said, month 8 is stuffed full with tons of changes and things to chat about, so stay tuned!
Still wondering about those women who have crazy cravings… ’cause Ben is getting off easy with no late-night trips from this mama.
Coach E$ Mama

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