Fence & Tree

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lovin' that lemon!

So while we were at dinner tonight with our little poodles [Ashley, Donald, and Tucker], Donald thought it would be a good idea to see how Teigan liked lemon.  We, of course, thought she would pucker up - and hate it.  Take a look at what happened...
And, no kidding, she sucked on that piece of lemon the entire rest of the night.  Is it too early to predict Sour Patch Kids as her favorite candy?


  1. I could squeeze her she is so cute! I'm so bummed I didn't get to meet her while you were in town. Both of my girls had ear infections so I'm glad I didn't spread our germs. Callie loves lemons too!

  2. That's because she doesn't have the taste buds developed yet to taste sour or tart.

  3. We know, Grandma Kathy, but it's fun to play around with anyways!
